Ora's Herbal Infused Natural Skin Care Base Oil
Ora's Herbal Infused Natural Skin Care Base Oil
Ora’s Amazing Herbal- Our Base Oil- https://www.orasamazingherbal.com/base-oil/
In the ways of healers of old, we slowly cold infuse oil with soothing and healing organic herbs for use in all our oil based products. We start with pure, non-GMO, Italian grapeseed oil and then add organic Calendula, Comfrey, Plantain, St. John’s Wort, Burdock and Thyme. We allow the infusion to gently age, protected from heat and light in non-plastic containers, for a minimum of 6 weeks. This extracts the healing components and phytonutrients of the herbs into the oil for use. We then use this as our Base Oil for our balms, salves, serums, butters, and oils. No wonder our products are so Amazing! Amazing Herbs, Amazing Skin!
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