How to get clear skin without spending money 💸 5 Korean diys
How to get clear skin without spending money 💸 5 Korean diys
Hey there! Today’s video is all about skincare on a budget.
There’s 5 DIYs as some of you guys requested, and these are the ones I often make. All the ingredients are listed below, and thank you guys so much for watching and showing love 🙂 Feel free to share your recipes too !
Sending love from Korea ♡
Instagram: lee_skinn
1) Cucumber mask: 1/2 cucumber, aloe gel
2) Rice mask: 1/2cup rice, 1cup water, 1tbsp honey
3) Yogurt almond mask: 1/2cup yogurt, 2tbsp almond powder, 1.5tbsp aloe gel
4) Rice toner: 1/2cup rice, 1cup water
5) Green tea toner: green tea bag, 1 cup water, aloe gel
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IG: lee_skinn
🎶 Music credits
____________________________________________________ Chillpeach – Dreamy Mode : • [no copyright music] ‘Dreamy Mode’ cu… ____________________________________________________
____________________________________________________ Chillpeach – Gameplay : • [no copyright music] ‘Gameplay’ cute … ____________________________________________________
massobeats – honey jam (royalty free lofi music)
Can you please give me some remedies to prevent acne and lighten dark spots
For how many days we can store that toner without fridge
Aaaa your skin is glowing 😍 thanks for sharing these tips! I’m excited to try the maskss
You make this look so relaxing…..even applying yourself lol
I’m allergic to aloe vera. Are there any alternatives?
Very good
Does anyone have any tips regarding steralising the spray bottles especially the tiny ones used in this video?
I always think for eg. When you have rice water in there thats turning stale by day 5 (might not be the exact time but you get what i mean) can you effectively clean the container before replacing the product, to prevent cross contamination? I cant imagine just rinsing through with soapy water does the trick when you wouldnt just rinse other tools and expect that to be fully clean. And using boiling water shrinks and damages the plastic (ive tried this hahaha)
I have no blender … 😶 so how i make rice mask ? 🫥 😅 you know ????
So pleaseeeeee tell me !!!!!!!!! 😢😢😢 😢😢
Hey can plz share such remedy for pink lips
Bro pls introduce some without cashing home made for acne, black heads, Pore’s pls🙏
how long u use rice toner for a week? it stays in fridge fresh for a week? and what do you guys do the leftover wet rice?
Hello sister i am your big fan love you 🥺💋💋💋💋
Rice cream please….
I’m from Srilanka🇱🇰very useful video❤
After the cucumber nask, should i rinse off the residence of just put product on?
Im allergic to Alovera, can it be substituted by something? What can i do?
you are so pretty
Nise 171❤
Hi sis iam your new subscriber
Iam from India
Thanks for this video so much help to glow my face ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I like ur vedios alottty
Can dry skin use rice? Plz do ans my skin breakdown (around mouth area) acc to weather
You are so beautiful and your skin is amazing and I have tried these natural remedies and trust me it has worked magic for me thank you for sharing these remedies and tips with us ❤
Hey ! Its my firt time watching your video and i really liked it. Should i rinse my face After taking off the cucumber slices ? And is there any home made mask for eye- wrinkles please ?? ❤
I dont have store bought aloe gel but i grow the aloe vera plant so does that work just the same for the aloe cucumber mask
I’m gonna try it❤🇧🇩
Diy green tea toner is a saviour for my acne prone sensitive skin❤❤❤
web designer + social media manager 🤎
Can we fridge the rice mask ?
can i use these remedies ? im an teenager?
I’m allergic to almonds is there an alternative to that?
Tradução para brasileiras por favor 🇧🇷🥰
4:17 please ignore the fridge on the right upper side! I forgot to put ❌ emoji up there..!
You can store them in the fridge for 3-5 days, not the super cold fridge 🫣
Can we use this things near closed eyes or on closed eyes ?
I am a indian girl mam i use indian rice
Thank you so much! I have rlly bad acne rn, I’m gonna try this tmrw 🙂
Can we use any honey?
можно с субтитрами на русском языке???
Hi beautiful 😊 thank you for sharing the video about the rice water love it but I made the rice water and left it the fridge and I sprayed I got fever and got sick so bad 😞 maybe it didn’t suite but I want the shiny skin too