Dry Skin? Don’t Buy A Moisturizer (Here’s The ACTUAL Science)
Dry Skin? Don’t Buy A Moisturizer (Here’s The ACTUAL Science)
Moisturisers can actually leave your skin worse than when you started. It seems contradictory but the biology supports using a different approach to acheive hydrated skin.
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In this video Dr Abs discusses:
How Moisturisers Can Dry The Skin
Better Hydration Methods
Example Alternative Products (MUCH cheaper)
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How you can get a droopy eye from Botox:
Lip filler with needle treatment video with before and after:
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DISCLAIMER: This video does not contain any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment advice. Content provided on this YouTube Channel is for informational purposes only. For any medical or health related advice, please consult with a physician or other healthcare professionals. Further, information about specific products or treatments within this video are not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. I am not sponsored by any of the companies mentioned in this video.
Dr. Abs
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Copyright Disclaimer: under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use
Dr you never have dry skin because: one, you are a man that have lots more testosterone than women (your main audience), you seem to be brown (that usually tend to have more combination or oily skin and more melanin that usually thickens the skin barrier, that is noted by how much later Asians and south Asians get fine lines and wrinkles – and in my opinion the most lovely complection).
Always drinking water is a great advice! And not using HA is a great advice but oils aren’t the only thing that help. You can use rice water and many other cosmetics (snail serums are one of my favorites!) And LOCKING IT with a ticker mostrizer or oil is great! But please don’t use misleading titles in your videos, it kills credibility.
so many alarm bells while watching this video
-Start of the video describes a situation where dry skin is an issue in the dermis rather than epidermis, while a cleanser would be cleansing the epidermis first and as a result would be the first thing to be effected
-talks about how us adding hyaluronic acid has bad effects in the way we use it (which might be true) and we should leave it to our skin’s fibroblasts bc evolution, despite our skin not having been evolved to be cleansed every day (or the need to be cleansed so often due to urban air pollution) (us giving the firboblasts more nutrients wont fix this problem)
-demonises moisturises based off of hyaluronic acid despite the fact that moisturises dont have to be based on it or even use it, what he’s describing by saying using oil is also just a moisturiser
– presence of this disclaimer in the description, other channels of doctors like dr karan dont seem to need this and seem to have a way better track record:
"DISCLAIMER: This video does not contain any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment advice. Content provided on this YouTube Channel is for informational purposes only. For any medical or health related advice, please consult with a physician or other healthcare professionals. Further, information about specific products or treatments within this video are not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. I am not sponsored by any of the companies mentioned in this video."
Dont use moisturiser if you want, your cells will adapt to you removing all the oil as well and will probably produce more HA endogenously to compensate anyway, i did that for a while just my skin ended up being very oily at the end of the day
What to do about other areas of dry skin? Arms, legs, hands etc.?
Thank you. Is it compulsory to use a sunscreen? It is usually a cream product…
My skin care routine is clensing, vitamin C serum then Raw aloevera gel thats all u need rest all is a hoax
Nothing=Kevin Malone
Hey, I have dryskin, and acne, with small breakouts, 19 at the moment, whats a recommended regime that you could recommend for me.
Im always shinny at night. My entire body. Grew up that way being African American.
Your analysis is absolutely right sir..
My skin became extremely sensitive because of using multiple skincare products which you mentioned above in the video..
I have started using almond oil and skin is becoming more normal now..
Thanks for your advice…
Greatful 🌸
Can i use that oil even IF i have acne pro skin and acne scars? Will it clodge pores?
I understand what he’s saying but also as you get older, your body makes less and less hyaluronic acid. If you know how to use the serums and the cream correct correctly, you will not get dry skin.
By this logic, wouldn’t things like SSRIs and other treatments that boost your levels or what your body already makes, be ineffective/band aid solutions? Where does that leave us?
uhm no, oil breaks me out like crazy
I have had very dry skin all my life and nothing worked.
OMG what a difference using just Ordinary oil instead of all those expensive lotions and creams.
I only wish I found your video years ago, but "better late than never".
Thank you kindly for your informative video.
Thank you, Dr. Abs.
Apricot oil is very moisturizing for dry skin.
If I use oil in my skin I get milia, oil isn’t good for me.
A French-based skin pharmacologist interviewed by a French-based makeup artist did explain that moisturizers aren’t necessary— it’s somewhere in YouTube, just go look for it.
Okay but I was told if I have acne, using oils on my face can worsen my acne. What do I do now. Because I believe you’re right when you say moisturizers don’t work because even with a moisturizer on my skin is so dry. What would my option be for someone with acne
Black seed oil is really good
Castor Oil
Castor oil or Vitamin E oil, great for my face, specially on the winter on minus temperatures
Please help me i have combination skin like my nose area oily only but my cheek forehead are deserts dry i try like 10,11 moisturizer for dry skin , and they gives me breakout and nothing suits me please help
Squalane. Thank You.
It sounds crazy, but Vaseline is fantastic for your face and for any other dry skin on your body. Cheap and effective.
then HyalurAcid serum then water mist then ceramid cream
I use any oil….rosehip, argan, maracuja or olive. I’m 62.
This is only about hyaluronic acid moisturisers only.
Normal moisturiser is just water, oil and perfume
Do silicone and HA free moisturizers also dry out skin? I have very dry skin. It has became worse during winter. Squalane oil does nothing to my dryness
What about straight up ghee?
Thank you!!
I use organic shea butter every day on my entire body . Don’t tell me that it doesn’t moisturize my skin. You should see the difference since I’ve been religiously using it for a year now. GOOH ! LOL
I believe you, I’ll stop buying HA frm today
As someone who have always had dry skin, I always wondered why hyaluronic acid made my skin even more dry. Now i know, so thank you!!! I use castor oil mixed in with my moisturizer and use vaseline on top if I am really dry.
Lard is the best moisturiser
I never really put any creams on my face ever! My skin is fabulous and totally clear at 47. All I do once in awhile is put vaseline on my eyes before I sleep. I also drink a lot of water and no alcohol as that really dries out many peoples skin.
what do you dilute your retinol with then? I mix it with my moisturizer otherwise its to strong
Thanks dawg, I’m thinking my face is moist while I’m outside, feel moist but everytime I get to a mirror i see little flakes of skin. Will try oils from now on
So I’ve been using olive oil. I realized what he said by accident. I was on a budget ran out of eye makeup remover. Used olive oil and while rubbing it on my cheek white heads started to roll off. I ditched alcohol toners from the drugstore. Realized they were causing my whiteheads to become hard and putting me at rish for acne scars. Just used olive oil for the next ten years. But now I am also using vitamin c cream for aging. And ordinary toner glycolic acid no alcohol.
I don’t sell products, but I do sell education to help you live longer, healthier and beautiful-er for as cheap as possible. Join my skool group for this here: http://www.drabs.clinic/skool.
Can you stfu honestly? Please watch someone who formulates products and not some idiot who thinks he knows everything because of a medical degree. Lab Muffin is reliable
If water cream can’t get through your skin. How is oil supposed to get through?
I use castor oil and my face is beautiful at 55!
What oil to use for oily skin?
My whole life, people around me keep telling me that my oily skin is the cause of my acnes 😔
Dude you desperately need
A camel peel on your face..
2:53 is it the same for vitamins?
Hi If you don’t mind me asking, should I use sunscreen and if so, do I use it before using Squalane or after using Squalane and if you do recommend using sunscreen, which one is best I heard that SPF 30 or SPF 50 is good to use. I don’t go outside every day, but I do go out some days. Thank you.😊
It’s harder in a very hot climate, though. Oils make me sweat so badly. I don’t really use a lot of moisturiser either. I am very well hydrated. The other tip I’ve seen is to use petroleum jelly. It’s the same principle as oils.